Step 1: Cut Sponge to Fit Silicone Cupcake Liner
For this first step I like to flip the cupcake liner upside down and draw the shape on my sponge. I then cut it down so it tapers like the shape. Do not glue it to the cupcake liner at this step as it will make painting more difficult. Step 3: Glue "Filler" Sponge On Top
For this step I took some of my leftover sponge pieces and glued a rough cut dome on top of my sponge in the cupcake liner using some hot glue. This filler helps you guide the shape of the "icing" and use less product. Step 5: Add Foam Clay Decorations
After covering the entire cupcake you will want to add the foam clay pieces before it dries so that they will fully bond to the product. Let this dry over night, then prime the icing portion with two coats of mod podge. Do not prime the "cake" piece as it will take away from the texture of the sponge we want. Step 7: Try Not to Eat Your Creation
The final step is to glue the cupcake to the bottom of the liner, but ultimately this is optional as my sponge stayed put very well even without gluing it down. As always if you have any questions on the build steps or how to apply them to a different project you are working on let me know! I'd love to help clarify the process for you or provide pointers. |
Step 2: Sculpt Foam Clay
I decided to make the little sprinkles and the bow decoration out of foam clay so I sculpted the pieces and let them completely dry over night. I used foam clay for this but you could have similar results with model magic. Foam clay I have found does not crack as easily for larger pieces though, so it is my current preference. Step 4: Add Craft Icing
Using the Whipple and it's craft icing tip, carefully apply the icing around your sponge filler. Alternatively you can use spackle and an icing bag, I just like the convenience of Whipple already being ready to work with. Step 6: Paint, & Seal
Since everything has been primed with mod podge you can just paint with normal acrylic paints. I painted the sponge a dark brown to get a chocolate look to this cupcake. After painting your desired colors seal the icing portion with mod podge again and then you are done! |