Materials You Will Need
Step 1: Covering the Book
For this step I covered my book with matching team satin to my dancer costume. I did this with some contact cement as glue, you have to be very careful here so as to not let the glue bleed to the front of the fabric because it leaves an ugly mark. Step 3: Cut the HTV
I used my Cricut to cut the heat transfer vinyl for this so it was one of the fastest steps, but you can also use scissors! Step 5: Book Corners
For this I used a kit I bought a while ago for fire emblem awakening book corners from the dangerous ladies. Lightly sanded and spray painted them gold and then sealed. After that I used E6000 to glue to my book to finish! |
Step 2: Pattern the HTV
I did this step in Cricut design space, but you can print a template from word and cut it out instead. I took the book dimensions and created a rectangle and then built the diamond pattern to match. I designed the diamonds in Microsoft paint to match the reference. For her crest I took a high res png from the Fire Emblem Wiki and scaled it until I liked it. Step 4: Ironing
This step actually took several hours because my colorshift HTV did not want to adhere to the satin cover. So take your time on this to get a clean application! Also, I had a lot of trouble remembering which side was up for this book so I definitely recommend being aware of the direction of the original book so whichever way you iron it is the normal way you would read the book. |