Materials You Will Need
Step 1: Print & Cut Out Pattern
A lot of math went into this scalloped tiara pattern to match up the stripes. It includes 1/4in seam allowance. The first step is to cut our the pattern twice from the white canvas and then set the back piece aside. Step 3: Make Stripes
Each of the stripes is form 1in strips of cotton that I measured the center of and folded the raw edges inside making the finished stripe 1/2in wide. Using a 1/2in bias tape maker could make this a little easier but just a ruler and an iron work great too! Step 5: Sew Front and Back Together
With right sides together sew along the scalloped edge, clip the curves, then turn right side out and iron. Next, fold the bottom 1/2in edge of the crown up and top stitch to seal all raw edges. Step 7: Bobby Pins
The final step is attaching it your wig. I like having it hidden and not having to see a headband in photos. With the horsehair braid, all you need is to use a bobby pin to secure it to your wig or hair. I also like that I could give it a curve easily with this method. |
Step 2: Transfer Stitching Guide to Fabric
Carefully fold each line on the pattern to use as a placement guide for the stripes. I used chalk liner to mark all of the placements, and you can wash it out after stitching the stripes down. Step 4: Stitch on Stripes & Interfacing
Carefully align the stripes on the placement guide and stitch in place. I recommend using several pins to keep it straight as you sew. Once you have both colors stitched on, iron on fusible interfacing to the back of the tiara so it will stand up. Step 6: Horsehair Braid
This tiara will sit on top of your hair and will not need a headband to stay in place. Instead use some horsehair braid (mine is 2in wide) and using a whip stitch tack it to the back of your tiara. I used three pieces to get a really secure fit. |